Roses – The most diverse flowers in the world
Roses are one of the most (if not the most) beautiful and diverse flowers in the world. It is hard to tell exactly how many rose varieties there are because of the enormous numbers and the complexity of the rose world. Some rose experts claimed that there are nearly 30,000 rose varieties. Please let that number sink in for a minute to see how difficult to choose the right roses. They come in many colors, shapes and sizes, and each one has its own unique fragrance and meaning.
That is not to mention the styles of rose breeders. Each rose breeding company has a very unique style, a very unique philosophy of roses and how to breed their roses. Therefore, a true rose connoisseur respects the diversity of the breeding styles of rose breeders. In other words, to a true rose connoisseur, it does not make a lot of sense to ask Kordes Roses to breed a rose like David Austin Roses or vice versa. Similarly, it does not make much sense to ask David Austin Roses to breed roses like Weeks Roses or Rosa Orientis. The sublime diversity in the rose world is one of the things rose connoisseurs would love embracing, not eliminating!
Roses are one of the most (if not the most) beautiful and diverse flowers in the world.
– The Right Roses
Rose ‘Mortimer Sackler or Mary Delany’ | David Austin Roses 2002

It does not make a lot of sense to ask Kordes Roses to breed a rose like David Austin Roses or vice versa.
– The Right Roses
Rose ‘Sespe Sunrise (aka. Großherzogin Luise, Spicy Parfuma)’ | Kordes Rosen 2017.
Roses are not static objects
But roses are not just static objects of admiration. A rose does not last forever in the garden. A rose does not grow into an absolutely beautiful shrub overnight. It takes a lot of time. A shrub rose needs about 3 years to get established. A climbing rose needs at least 4 – 5 years of hard work and good nurture.
Therefore, roses are living beings that grow, change, and adapt to their environment. There are so many things that could happen during those 3 – 5 years. And certainly, there would be even more things that happen after those 3 – 5 years. That’s why we need to observe roses overtime, to appreciate their dynamic nature and learn from their resilience.
Observing roses overtime can reveal many fascinating aspects of their life cycle. We can witness how they come as a bareroot, develop shoots, buds, bloom into full glory, and then fade and wilt. We can witness how they respond to different nurturing styles. And we can also see how they respond to different climates, different seasons, weather conditions, pests and diseases. By observing roses overtime, we can understand how they cope with challenges and thrive in adversity. Is not it so fascinating to observe the same rose growing and developing so differently overtime?
Most importantly, observing roses can greatly enrich our lives. We make memories in the garden. As rose connoisseurs observe over time, no rose season is the same. Each season and each year give us a different set of challenges. Tell me what happened in England two months ago (2023). And tell me what happened last summer in your garden. As we overcome those challenges, we all develop our character as a gardener and as a person.
Roses are not just static objects of admiration.

‘The Right Roses Moments’ Series
The Right Roses team is so pleased to introduce our newest series ‘The Right Roses Moments’. In this new series, we showcase the dynamics of the rose experience of the very best roses in the world. The roses we choose for this series tend to be the newest roses being tested in The Right Roses Trial Garden. Therefore, the rose experiences may have ups and downs, excitements and certainly disappointment. All of those rose experiences will be recorded in ‘The Right Roses Moments’ series.
This series further reinforces our identity, ‘Only The Very Best Will Do’, and our vision. We are committed to our very best effort and performance. We observe the very best roses from the very best rose breeders in the world. And our rose insights target the very best rose connoisseurs in the world. Series ‘The Right Roses Moments’ is available for our ‘Rose Connoisseur’ paid members.
See the table below to understand how we position our new series ‘The Right Roses Moments’ against ‘The Right Roses Review’ series.
Series | Frequency | Conclusive? | Character | Focus |
‘The Right Roses Review’ | Yearly, e.g., Year 1, Year 2 | Yes | Relatively static | Text and pictures |
‘The Right Roses Moments’ | More frequent, e.g., July 2023, as long as it is a defining moment in the rose experience of the rose under observation. | Not yet. A rose may have up and down moments in The Right Roses Trial Garden. | Dynamic | Mainly evidence – based pictures |
We hope you will enjoy our new series ‘The Right Roses Moments’. The first article will be about rose ‘Penelope Lively’ | David Austin 2023. Please stay tuned.